Friday, December 5, 2008

Duck Hunting

[Me, Buck, and the duck who ran out of luck...]
On a VERY cold day in early December, PR and I went out past Tillamook to do some duck hunting! I had never been before, so I wasn't sure what to expect.

[Setting up decoys in the dark]
We got there very early, before sunrise, to set up the decoys and take our positions near the shore of the bay. I was undecided at that point whether I would be shooting that day or not, so I just observed and cheered for PR during the first part of the morning.
[PR and the first catch of the day]
After a little lunch break I decided I would go for it. We found a new spot and waited.... Sooner than I expected, a flock flew by, approaching from the left. I fired and immediately took one down. In my adrenaline rush to shoot, I forgot about holding the shotgun against my shoulder. OUCH!!! The kickback hammered me! But you all know I am tough, so it didn't slow me down. : )
Buck, the newly initiated hunting lab, swam out and retreived my duck proudly. I ate it for dinner the next day! Awesome!! Like fishing, but more fun because you can actually see what you are going for.

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